
Emerging technologies represent the main driver for rapid innovation today. This is why the Casa delle Tecnologie Emergenti (CTE) in Genoa has developed a targeted training plan, which aims to stimulate the demand for innovation in the Liguria region. These training programmes will be coordinated by Start 4.0, which will leverage its experience to ensure the initiative’s maximum effectiveness. By accessing the CTE Open Innovation platform, it will be possible to view all the training modules prepared by the partnership, available remotely and divided into modules and sub-modules according to the topics of interest. The training sessions will be divided into 3 macro-groups: SMEs and Startups, Students and PhD Researchers, Citizens and Cultural Operators.

Training for SMEs and Startups

Training for SMEs, startups, and spin-offs is essential to enhance skills on innovative topics and stimulate innovation processes in strategic and complementary sectors. Through OPEN CALL-TRAINING, companies will be selected to access specialist training sessions. The training modules will be developed in collaboration with research bodies, universities, and partner companies of the project, covering a wide range of topics, including:

  • 5G and 6G
  • Internet Exchange
  • 3D Modelling/Digital Twin
  • Augmented, Virtual and Immersive Reality
  • Video Analytics
  • Smart Robotic Systems and Artificial Intelligence
  • Cybersecurity
  • Smart City Platforms
  • IoT Platforms

These modules will be interactive and supported by videos and slides, also available later through personalised access to the e-learning platform.

Access the platform to find out more!

Training for Students and Researchers

For students and researchers, training will be delivered through dedicated Living Labs and Contamination Labs for Industry Challenges. The goal is to attract new talent and create a pool of human resources available for companies involved in business acceleration and technology transfer paths. Activities will include:

  • Exploring application cases
  • Creating Contamination Labs focused on Challenges launched by selected companies

These will be managed directly by the University of Genoa. Want to know more? Enter the Open Innovation Platform and send your request.

Training for Citizens, Public Administration, and Cultural Operators

Training for citizens, public administration, and cultural operators aims to create the preconditions for a public-private ecosystem that generates positive impacts on the innovation processes of the cultural and creative sector. Initiatives will include:

  • Citizen science events, interactive training activities in schools, museums, and at CTE in Genoa Prà
  • Training sessions on data management and enhancement of new 5G technologies
  • Organisation of hackathons to co-design new solutions between citizens and cultural operators

Access the platform!