Startup acceleration

CTE Genova’s acceleration programme focuses on business development for innovative startups, with a differentiated approach for high-tech/deep-tech startups (Type A) and business and data-driven startups (Type B), each with specific support needs for acceleration. The common goal is to develop MVPs (Minimum Viable Products and Services) through a structured process.

Type A: High-tech/deep-tech startups

Type A startups focus on advanced technological solutions. Thanks to integration with the skills, laboratories, infrastructures, and services offered by CTE “Open Infrastructure,” these startups can accelerate their business development through incremental innovations. Examples of these startups include developers of IoT sensors, blockchain platforms, machine learning, robotics, etc. Their target customers are operators in the heritage and cultural sector, such as museums, art galleries, and artisan workshops.

Type B: Business and data-driven startups

Type B startups offer solutions aimed at users in the artistic and cultural sector, such as citizens and tourists. These startups can validate their solutions through use cases, using them as showcases for new business opportunities. Examples include apps and devices for immersive and virtual reality, gaming, museum visit planning and management, tailor-made travel bookings, etc. Their target customers are citizens and tourists, with the need to access new data to expand and diversify their offerings.

Acceleration services

The startups will be selected through two Open Call ACCELERATION processes, allowing at least 25 startups/spin-offs to be supported through the following technological and transversal services:

  • Technological support: Integration with available technological infrastructures.
  • Testing and validation: In the context of Living Labs, with visibility opportunities in the territory.
  • Access to data: For expanding and diversifying the product/service offering.
  • Access to the innovation ecosystem platform: And to the outcomes of
  • Hackathons, functional for customisation and acceleration of new businesses.
  • Support for internationalisation: Using the international network of project partners.
  • Training: On emerging technologies and business development, including organisational models.
  • Business model and business planning support: Preparation of sustainability plans in relation to market macro-trends.
  • B2B sessions with investors: For access to private funding.
  • Communication and promotion: Organisation of dissemination and promotion events in the territory.

Coordination and support

The Municipality of Genoa coordinates the business acceleration activities, leveraging the technological expertise of partners for scouting startups, preparing Open Calls, and providing technological support and testing services.