Technology transfer

The technology transfer pathway of CTE Genova is designed to support micro and SMEs with limited innovation capacity. Our aim is to validate small-scale demonstrators to highlight the innovative capability of new products and services. This process is particularly effective in the following steps:

  1. Preliminary phase: We match the specialised skills and technological assets of Research Centres/Universities with the innovation needs of SMEs, defining the characteristics and potential applications of innovative solutions.
  2. Marketing phase: We present the product/service in the form of a “rough prototype” to demonstrate its feasibility and innovative capability to:
  3. Potential partners/businesses interested in its development and commercialisation.
  4. Investors interested in financing the development of innovative technology.
  5. Commercialisation phase: We use the demonstrator to implement the technology and define its specifications before market introduction.

The technology transfer model is based on two integrated levels:

  1. Technology transfer to SMEs within the partnership: We develop and validate PoCs (Proof of Concept) in collaboration with research bodies and SMEs of the consortium, using the open infrastructure for testing and validation.
  2. Technology transfer to SMEs outside the partnership: We identify the innovation needs of new SMEs through Open Calls and connect them with the skills of the partnership for Test-before-invest activities, following an Open Innovation approach.

Analysis of innovation needs

Starting from an analysis of innovation needs within our Open Innovation platform, we identify the main technological domains of interest for SMEs in the sectors of emerging technologies enabled by 5G infrastructure. We will launch an Open Call TECH-TRANS to select at least 15 SMEs to support in tailor-made pathways that include:

  • Testing at research laboratories and infrastructures (Test Before Invest).
  • Market trend analysis.
  • IP services for analysing the patentability potential of solutions.
  • Structuring the business model and business planning.
  • Strategic roadmapping for innovation.
  • Analysis of social and environmental sustainability.
  • Scouting for national, regional, and European funding sources.
  • Support for business internationalisation.
  • Opportunities for recruiting young talent through Contamination Labs.
  • Access to the innovation ecosystem platform.
  • Training on emerging technological topics.
  • Organisation of dissemination and promotional events in the territory.
  • Coordination and support

Coordination and support

The Municipality of Genoa coordinates technology transfer activities, leveraging the technological expertise of project partners for support in SME scouting phases, defining Open Calls, and testing/transferring technical know-how. A specialised assistance service will be activated to develop a Digital tool for SMEs, interfacing with the Open Innovation platform, enabling self-assessment pathways for technology transfer potential and supporting project implementation.