The House of Emerging Technologies will be set up as a technology transfer center that combines the scientific skills of universities and research centers with the needs of the business fabric for the application and dissemination of emerging technologies through the development of ultra-fast mobile networks (5G) and research on next-generation mobile networks (6G) through the implementation of research and experimentation projects aimed at expanding the offer of services and improving existing ones in the territory, accelerating start-ups, and supporting technology transfer to companies.

The main headquarters of CTE Genova is located in the former railway station at Via Pra’ 39.

The Municipality of Genoa is the lead partner of the project and is supported by numerous private and research partners: University of Genoa, IIT Foundation, National Research Council – Institute of Applied Mathematics and Information Technology “E. Magenes” and Institute for Construction Technologies (CNR-IMATI-ITC), the association Center of Competence for the Security and Optimization of Strategic Infrastructures Start 4.0, Ge-DIX Genova Data Internet eXchange Consortium, Digimat spa, ETT spa, Camelot Biomedical Systems srl, AizoOn Technology Consulting, and Tim spa.

The area of application of emerging technologies at the House of Emerging Technologies in Genoa will be the cultural and creative industries sector. The design proposal aims to accelerate and catalyze new market opportunities for companies in the cultural and creative sector that can develop and provide Made in Italy solutions in terms of services, technologies, and products enabled by 5G/6G infrastructures, expanding the offer, security, accessibility, and usability of indoor and outdoor artistic and cultural heritage, also for the most vulnerable subjects. The conceptual model on which the CTE of Genoa will be articulated is that of a spread-out, dynamic, immersive, inclusive, attractive, and experiential museum on the territory that, starting from the needs of the stakeholders of the sector (museums, citizens, tourists, artists, designer craftsmen, restorers, the world of innovation, and public administration) catalyzes the birth and development of businesses in the reference sector.