Opening of the House of Emerging Technologies in Genoa: a new hub for digital innovation

Opening of the House of Emerging Technologies in Genoa: a new hub for digital innovation
Inaugurazione - Cte Genova

Genoa, February 23, 2024 – An important step in the advancement of technological innovation was achieved today with the inauguration of the House of Emerging Technologies – Digital Workshop for Culture (CTE) at the former Railway Station of Genoa Prà. The event was attended by the Deputy Mayor of the Municipality of Genoa, the President of the VII District of Ponente and the Executive Manager of the Start 4.0 Competence Center. After an intense first year of work, the structure of the former station has been completely renovated, creating functional and cutting-edge spaces, including a private 5G connection bubble. During the inauguration ceremony, media, citizens, and students from the neighborhood had the opportunity to explore simulations of innovative products and services developed by CTE Genoa’s technological partners, dedicated to enjoying cultural and creative heritage. The premises equipped for co-working and training initiatives sparked great interest among those present, highlighting the facility’s commitment to offering professional growth opportunities in the ICT sector. During the press conference, the two calls launched by the Municipality of Genoa were also presented, aimed at innovative start-ups and SMEs to promote business acceleration and technology transfer in the cultural and creative sector. The initiative aims to develop and implement services in the cultural and creative industry, with the goal of enhancing the Ligurian museum heritage and bringing technology closer to schools, offering students training and professional opportunities in the field of ICT from a young age. More information in the press release from the Municipality of Genoa. See the RaiNews service.