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IMG PRINCIPALE - start 4.0

The START4.0 Competence Center, based in Genoa, is one of the established national reference points for promoting innovation by and for businesses across all sectors, including those in the cultural and creative industries. START4.0 contributes transversally to achieving the objectives of the CTE by enhancing technologies, assets, and skills to support the Distributed Museum, but also and above all to increase, also through technology transfer paths, the level of digitization and competitiveness of the businesses targeted by the project. START4.0 is committed – in a “Heritage BIM” perspective – to implementing a plan for 3D scans of the exhibition spaces of the network of 8 Museums of the CTE enabled by their own laser scanner equipment, which find a preferred application in supporting the digital management of cultural assets, providing a certain and queryable database useful for ensuring the updating of existing documentation with innovative methods. The Center’s equipment will also be made available to businesses and other entities that will be supported in technology transfer sessions to assess the potential of laser scanner technologies for the reference targets of the CTE. The Competence Center also develops an e-learning platform for the CTE to distribute customized training modules for the target group of SMEs, start-ups, and spin-offs, with the aim of facilitating knowledge transfer on emerging technologies enabled by 5G/6G infrastructures to companies whose mission is focused on projects for the cultural and creative industries. Finally, to support the animation of the innovation ecosystem, the Center expands its Open Innovation platform with advanced features for matchmaking between innovation demand and the technological and training offer of the CTE that the Center will help systematize, also thanks to scouting activities and direct engagement with SMEs in the reference sector.